In Memoriam: Leland Wilkinson (1944–2021)

Visual Revelations

On December 10, 2021, Leland Wilkinson, a renowned statistician and software developer, died of a massive stroke he’d suffered two days earlier. He was a youthful 77.

His daughters, Amie and Caroline, lost their doting father; his wife, Marilyn (Marny), lost her loving husband; and we lost a dear friend of 50 years.

Leland (Lee, to all who knew him) was a man of many parts. The early years he spent in a seminary gave him a particular perspective and a generosity of spirit he never lost. He was a fine pianist, which led to his affection for very grand pianos. He was also an expert programmer, which he enjoyed immensely, and a car guy. His 911 Porsche was always polished and pristine, as was Marny’s Tesla, whose remarkable torque he delighted in demonstrating to all who rode with him.

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