Submit an Article

Hints for Authors

• Is a peer-reviewed, non-technical statistics magazine
• Represents a cultural record of statistics as an evolving field, intended to inform and entertain

CHANCE Articles:
• Are targeted toward a broad audience
• Display and discuss interesting statistical concepts, ideas, designs, analyses, or presentations
• Have a relaxed expository style (humor is fine when tactful)
• Do not contain abstracts (A separate abstract will be required at submission time.)
• Do not have acknowledgements
• Have intuitive explanations with limited technical notation and formulas
• Have sidebars for definitions and brief technical explanations
• Do not have citations, but have a “Further Reading” section at the end of the article where ~5 references can be listed
• Rarely have footnotes
• Have creative and informative graphics, photographs, and tabular displays
• May link to online videos (please include YouTube or Vimeo links in the word document)
• Are 10–15 double-spaced type-written pages in MS Word

Visit to see the kinds of articles published.

CHANCE is copublished quarterly by the American Statistical Association and Taylor & Francis Group The magazine is designed for anyone who has an interest in the analysis of data, informally highlighting sound statistical practice. CHANCE is not a technical magazine, but rather a cultural record of an evolving field, intended to entertain as well as inform.

Since its creation in 1988, CHANCE has covered such topics as the 1990 census adjustment and the redesigned population survey, sports, the environment, DNA evidence in the courts, a variety of medical issues—even how to win on "Jeopardy." CHANCE offers a unique opportunity to reach beyond statistics professionals to a more general audience.

While we invite authors to submit articles in ready-to-publish form, we also encourage prospective authors to submit ideas for articles or articles that are not yet in final form, and we will try to help with their development.

Writing for CHANCE

We prefer short manuscripts of 10 to 15 double-spaced typewritten pages. Authors are encouraged to write in a relaxed, expository style; opinion, humor, and historical comments can (and should) be intermingled to make lively reading. Additional suggestions regarding writing for CHANCE are offered under Hints for Authors.

Submitting Files

Submit material using the submission system. Detailed instructions are on the Taylor and Francis website. Please note, this magazine uses ScholarOne Manuscripts to peer review manuscript submissions.


Details for listing and citing references are given in the ASA Magazine Style Guide (PDF).

Figures, Artwork, and Tables

Figures and tables should be numbered, consecutively titled, labeled, and referred to in the article text. We require every author to receive permission from the holder of the rights for all material.

We accept TIF, EPS, JPEG, and PDF files. Please make sure the material is at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) or as large as 8.5 x 11 at 150 dpi.

File Formats for Graphics Preparation

(EPS) Encapsulated PostScript

This is the most preferred file format for printed graphs and illustrations. PostScript is a page description language developed by Adobe. Because it encodes vector artwork as a series of mathematic descriptions, the format allows text to be resized without lowering the resolution. This a useful format for line art, graphs, box plots, scatterplots, and combination figures. File suffix .eps.

(PDF) Portable Document Format

Like a PostScript file, a PDF is able to store both vector and bitmap data. This format can be used for encoding individual images. If a graph or other line art is stored in this format, it should be saved at a very high resolution: 1200 dpi. File suffix .pdf

(TIF) Tagged Image Format

This is the preferred file format for photographs or continuous tone images. If line art is saved as a TIF, it must be saved at a high resolution (800-1,200 dots per inch). File suffix .tif

(JPEG) Joint Photographers Experimental Group

A type of compressed file suited for storing photographs. Because this file format discards some of the data in an image, it can transform the art and give it a blocky appearance and blur sharp edges and text. If the photograph is particularly large (i.e, 24 x 24) and 72 dpi, a production designer can simulate the pixils by shrinking the photograph by 70% and increasing the dpi to 300. Consequently, this file format should not be used for print, but is suited to the web. File suffix .jpg/.jpe/.jpeg