Editor’s Letter—Vol. 26, No. 4
Dear Readers,
A session honoring Steve Fienberg’s overarching contributions to statistics was held at JSM 2013 in Montréal, Québed, Canada. Edo Airoldi, Jim Berger, Ed George, Sesa Slavkovic, Steve Stigler, and Judith Tanur talked about Steve’s work and shared recollections of their many interactions with him. CHANCE was a proud sponsor of this special session, recognizing Steve’s more than 40 years of groundbreaking intellectual leadership to our profession. We feature five articles by the presenters in that session, along with two interviews: a rerun of Howard Wainer’s 2007 conversation with Steve Fienberg and Bill Eddy about the foundation of CHANCE and an extensive interview that Slavkovic and I conducted with Steve the day after the session at JSM.
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