A Conversation with Howard Hogan, Former Chief Demographer at the United States Census Bureau
Editor’s note: The content of this conversation represents the factual recollections and opinions of the interviewed subject as reported to the interviewers. The U.S. Census Bureau neither attests to the factual accuracy nor endorses the opinions expressed herein.
The following is a conversation held with retired chief demographer of the United States Census Bureau Howard Hogan. Hogan served in many capacities at the U.S. Census Bureau, starting in 1979 and conducting research on household surveys in diverse areas such as crime, health, and poverty. He contributed to several professional organizations, including the American Statistical Association (ASA), Washington Statistical Society, and International Association of Survey Statisticians. He was named a Fellow of the ASA in 2001 and received the ASA’s Jeanne E. Griffith Mentoring Award in 2018.
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